Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Rubber Hand Illusion

What does this say about the self?

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Some of you might recall a short discussion on Stephen Hawking's new book The Grand Design. I was a little concerned with how he might define "nothing," when he might say something like "the universe came from nothing." Here's a short video I came across with Michio Kaku talking about "nothing."

What Happened Before the Big Bang?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meeting Tonight!

The meeting is tonight at 5pm at the Coffeehouse. Weston will be bringing his laptop tonight to help come up with some discussion topics on Philosophy Bites. If you haven't checked it out before, you can find more information here.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

No Club Monday (11th)

For those of you who may have missed it, the club will now meet once ever two weeks. There will be no meeting tomorrow. The next meeting will be the 18th.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Next Meeting

We will be watching the movie "Waking Life" Monday, October 4th, in room 126 Stevenson, at 8:00pm. (Yes, our meetings are normally at 5pm. But, this week we're changing it up since the movie will last about an hour and a half.)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Meetings and Bertrand Russell on... Smoking?

Today's Meeting

We started off today's meeting with a few exercises. Jumping Jacks, push-ups, running in place... Just kidding, that's obviously a lie. Or is it? If you're officially confused, you now understand how we felt when we took a journey to the island of Knights and Knaves. (No, this is not an elaborate drug innuendo.) Wes brought a few logic puzzles with him. One of which is called (as you might have guessed): On the Island of Knights and Knaves. It goes like this. (The following puzzles are by Raymond Smullyan.)

On the island of Knights and Knaves, every inhabitant is either a knight or a knave. Knights always tell the truth. Knaves never tell the truth; any sentence uttered by a knave is false. A stranger came to the island and encountered three inhabitants, A, B, and C. He asked A, "Are you a knight, or a knave?" A mumbled an answer that the stranger could not understand. The stranger then asked B, "What did he say?" B replied, "A said that there is exactly one knight among us." Then C burst out, "Don't believe B, he is lying!" What are B and C?

Using the aforementioned knowledge of the island of Knights and Knaves, here is a second puzzle:

One day I went to the island of knights and knaves and encountered an inhabitant who said, "Either I am a knave or else two plus two equals five." What should you conclude?

I'm not going to post the answer. That would be too easy. If you think you've got it figured out, leave a comment with the answer. Feel free to have an open discussion about it.

After we felt pretty good about our solutions to these problems, we moved on to Zeno's Paradox. That led us into a discussion about infinity, mathematical concepts, etc.

Next Meeting (October 4th)

Next time we'll be watching the film Waking Life. I haven't been updated on the location, as of yet, but the meeting will be at 8:00pm. As soon as we've got a room locked down, I'll let you know which one it is. You can see the trailer for Waking Life below.

And now... *drumroll*...

Bertrand Russell, on Smoking.

Hopefully that wasn't too anticlimactic. I tend to find these bizarre little stories about philosopher's lives interesting (and funny).

So, to wrap it up, today we solved puzzles and talked about infinity. Next week's meeting is at 8:00pm and we're watching an interesting movie on philosophy and life. You will be there or you won't. Either way, I'm right.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Meeting Updates

For those of you who didn't make it to last Monday's meeting (like me), here is a little recap provided by Wes:

At our second meeting we met at the Coffeehouse and discussed Stephen Hawking's thoughts on whether god is necessary in an explanation of the universe.

A brief explanation of Hawking's New Book is available from here.

Hawking seems to argue that the laws of nature we recognize today such as gravity are sufficient in explaining what we observe of the universe.

We also briefly touched on different kinds of causation and how they might be confused.

Possibilities for future meetings include a discussion of Hume and skepticism and a viewing of "Waking Life," Richard Linklater's film.

There is also an important update regarding future meetings. Unless otherwise specified, we will now be meeting at 5:00pm (30 minutes earlier than we have in the past) on Monday evenings at the Coffeehouse, in Uptown Normal.

Hope to see you all Monday.